March 11, 2007

I know what you're doing, and it's wonderful.

A conversation with Anthony tonight stimulated this diatribe...

I was talking to a friend earlier this evening (the aforementioned Anthony). We chatted awhile, and he said, "What's going on?" I asked him what he meant. He said, "You're not yourself. You sound different. What is it?" At first I was kind of surprised, because I felt okay and was in no way deliberately trying to mask anything I was feeling.

He said, "Come on. I've known you long enough to know how you sound and you sound different. If you can't say it to me who can you say it to? You can't tell me anything I haven't heard or done before. Just say it, I don't care how crazy it sounds."

He ended up being right, and it started me thinking.

I would just like to say to various friends near and far, and whether you read this or not, that your efforts have not gone unnoticed. I know that you're looking out for me and I love you for it--for the phone calls, emails, IMs, extra invitations to go out or come over for dinner, for listening to me blow my nose while you're talking to me on the phone, for letting me curl up on your couch with a glass of wine or a cup of tea, for walking me home from the bus stop with your arm around me and making me tea and offering me chocolate. I know that I get myself worked into knots and am not always able put on a face to meet anyone, but thanks for not giving up. I love you guys!

[Now cue the Cindy Lauper music: "If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting..."]

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